Small Sips is a series of short informative messages on various aspects of hunger in the world. A new Small Sip is sent out once or twice a month to GRAN members via email. (If you're not on our mailing list and would like to be, you can register on our Get Involved page.) If you miss one or more of the messages, you can always find them here.
Small Sips #1: Food is a Human Right
Small Sips #2: Hunger and the Sustainable Development Goals
Small Sips #3: What are We Talking About Exactly?
Small Sips #4: Root Causes of Hunger
Small Sips #5: Children and Hunger
Small Sips #6: Hunger and Gender
Small Sips #7: Hunger and Gender-Based Violence
Small Sips #8: Education and Hunger
Small Sips #9: Global Hunger Hotspots
Small Sips #10: GRAN's Response to Federal Budget 2023
Small Sips #11: What is Canada Doing about Global Hunger?
Small Sips #13: Industrial Agriculture
Small Sips #14: Seed Systems and Human Rights
Small Sips #15: Food Sovereignty
Small Sips #16: Children, HIV, and Nutrition
Small Sips #17: Stories of Hope and Change
Small Sips #18: Reducing Food Loss and Waste
Small Sips #19: Water is Life. Water is Food.
Small Sips #20: International Humanitarian Law
Small Sips #21: Stories of Hope and Change -- Meet Wangari Kuria
Small Sips #22: Andhra Pradesh -- How Nature-Based Farming Could Feed the Future
Small Sips #23: ODA -- The Basics